I’ve made it! I went through all the great photos that were taken during my solo exhibition „It’s all good.“ that took place in June 2022. I tried to reduce the output - but I just couldn’t really. So here is a pretty exhausting look into this show that was my largest and probably most important to this day.
Besides these photos by Julia Schwendner, Eric Anders, and our very own Lucy Pfeiffer, there’s a video coming out soon as well. Also we just launched a new episode of the heliumTALK-podcast, in which Melvin and I are talking in depth about the exhibition. You can also listen to the podcast of Der Hamburger Magazin, which is released July 15 and where I speak about this show as well (both podcasts in german language).
Later this year (some time in fall) we’ll be launching a catalogue about this exhibition. Because Print is beautiful.
All the artwork and more info is on the exhibition page at heliumcowboy.
You can also find some images and videos on my instagram profile.
Thanks again to Melvin from heliumcowboy gallery, to Elvie and Angelika from Barlach Halle K, to Angela for the Dinner, to the team and helpers Lucy, Puhli, Elo, Theo, Mara, Dirk, Jana, Ronja; to the musicians Duo Sabiar & Pinewood Road, to all our guests and visitors, to the supporters and buyers, our sponsors Frida (Kappich & Piel), Birger (518 consulting), Jens (Art-Lawyer), Martin (Tesch Wein), Julia & Olli (Kehrwieder Kreativbrauerei), and to Yvonne, who makes it all possible in the first place. If I forgot anyone, let me know!
PREVIEW by Julia Schwendner
VERNISSAGE by Eric Anders
ABENDBROT by Lucy Pfeiffer
All the artwork and more info is on the exhibition page at heliumcowboy.
You can also find some images and videos on my instagram profile.