
heliumTALK Podcast with Rune Christensen, documented by Julia Schwendner

All photos by Julia Schwendner

All photos by Julia Schwendner

Photo documentation of my heliumTALK podcast number 10 with my friend and fellow artist Rune Christensen by Julia Schwendne / ThisIsJulia Photography

Can't believe this is already number 10. I am switching between german and english language episodes, this one is the third we talk english.  

The podcast is online on Spotify, iTunes, at www.heliumtalk.com etc.

The Freedom Paintings

"The Freedom Paintings" all together on one wall at the exhibition "Hello My Dear" at heliumcowboy in Hamburg, March 2018.

Inspired by the music of Charlie Parker and Miles Davis and blending it with country and punk in my head (and on the record player at the studio) it is a sweet little in-between group of works that merges my past as a painter with my woodcutting techniques of today.

Please check available work of this series at artsy or through heliumcowboy.

HELLO MY DEAR - exhibition & re-opening of heliumcowboy


Can‘t wait to show you my new series of woodcuts/paintings I am working on right now to be finished for Hello my Dear, the Re-opening of the Heliumcowboy Artspace this Saturday (March 24, 7 pm).

Inspired by the music of Charlie Parker and Miles Davis and blending it with country and punk in my head (and on the record player at the studio) it is a sweet little in-between group of works that merges my past as a painter with my woodcutting techniques of today.

Feels really good to be working this way for now ... Well. Lot’s of words, best you come around this Saturday in Hamburg and take a look yourselves:

Opening Saturday March 24, 19:00 – 23:00
more information  | facebook event


Work in progress on my new series of work - THE FREEDOM PAINTINGS. To be launched Saturday, March 24, at heliumcowboy in Hamburg.

Work in progress on my new series of work - THE FREEDOM PAINTINGS. To be launched Saturday, March 24, at heliumcowboy in Hamburg.

heliumTALK Podcast!

Did I tell you how much I love making these new heliumTALK podcasts? Here’s me recording the intro to the very first audio podcast we produced on The Ranch (it is also a kind of preview of the rebuilt part of the gallery that is now exhibition space, artist workshop and podcast studio alltogether).

For this very first purely audio heliumTALK I spoke with artist Darko C. Nicolic, and it will be launched next Monday. In german. Well. First english language podcasts are coming LATEST in April.

To stay ahead of it all, please check www.heliumtalk.com.

You can listen and / or subscribe to the podcast here:

Recording the heliumTALK podcast with artist Darko C. Nicolic at the heliumcowboy artspace.

Recording the heliumTALK podcast with artist Darko C. Nicolic at the heliumcowboy artspace.

The Love Me Or Die

Alex Diamond: The Love Me Or Die
Sculptural woodcut. Wood, acrylic paint, 72 × 85 × 18 cm

„The Love Me Or Die“ is a sculptural woodcut I created in 2017. It is loosely based upon a song by C.W. Stoneking of the same name (you can listen to the song below). The story told is about desire, love, betrayal, magic and evil. It is a the name of a voodoo spell - if you don’t love me I will put a magic voodoo under your floor and see if this makes you fall in love … or not. The result is in the title.

From the song, I am mainly quoting the part
„Standin in the weeds early next day,
I saw the meat wagon rollin away,
I seen Matilda layin in the back,
Her old mother wearin a suit of black“,
which describe the failure of this delusional attempt to magically influence true feelings.

It is not literally about the song, but what you can read between the lines - or the layers, as my artwork is built in multiple levels and set up like a theatre stage or a diorama. Everything is carved or cut out of wood, painted in different stages of the process and finally assembled. If hung of a wall, it stands out into the room (you can even turn the wheels).

For me, an artist who gets a lot of inspiration through popular culture such as music and film it is a wonderful thing to be touched so deeply by a song that it sticks in my head the whole time I spent creating an artwork. It is like a soundtrack in a loop. I even went and started playing it on the guitar and singing it - in my very own way of course, as there is noone I know who could possibly sound like the incredible Mr. Stoneking.   

PS: There’s another, completely different angle to this piece of mine - it will also become the central artwork for my new „artist beer“ I am brewing up together with Oliver Wesseloh (Kehrwieder Kreativbrauerei) with special support by Scott Jennings (Sierra Nevada Brewery). After we released the first artist beer, „The Dirty Hands Of Alex Diamond“ in 2016, the general idea of the recipe is taking the story of my woodcut and the song into a drinkable version. We hope that C.W. Stoneking allows us to use the title of the song for the name of the beer. More later, once we get closer to the final stages of producing this very limited, special artist edition of a beer. 

Details & Production:

C.W. Stoneking: The Love Me Or Die

The Reverend Remington Hunting Party

Sculptural woodcut, Acrylic paint, 42 x 45 x 6 cm

Most likely my last work for this year: "The Reverend Remington Hunting Party" is a smaller sculptural woodcut, leaning strongly towards a pop-surrealistic / low brow aesthetic. You may say it is a rather evil family portrait, but the title of the work is actually the name of the band of my first record. Well. That record does not exist, but I guess you'll get the idea. And who knows?

This is one of those special year end works I create for the annual December-exhibition "Don't Wake Daddy" (DWD) in Hamburg, curated by my friends Heiko Müller and Ralf Krüger at the Feinkunst Krüger Gallery. DWD just opened for the 12th time, and I am proud to say that I have been part of this international group show for many years since 2007 ... so you could say it is my personal 10th anniversary of DWD ;)

The exhibition is open until December 23, make sure to check it our when you are in Hamburg. Feinkunst Krüger is open Thursdays and Fridays 12-19 and Saturdays 12-18 h.

We're Here To Stay | Documentary

I am super excited about this brand new documentary of my work: Over the course of many weeks in 2017, filmmaker Kai Klinke visited me in my studio to capture the creation of the sculptural woodcut "We're Here To Stay" and all the different stages of my work process. It is an intimate view into my workshop (and we also made a small campfire in the backyard).

I am very happy with the result and cannot praise Kai's work enough. I hope this film helps to understand better how I approach and realize my art, and how my multi-layered, meticulously built and highly detailed sculptural woodcuts are unique. 

I am always rambling about how difficult it is to present my work on the internet, and maybe this film can help translate my craft for the online world.


Alex Diamond: We're Here To Stay (2017)
Multi-layered woodcut, acrylic paint, , ca. 80 x 55 x 12 cm

Close Your Eyes And Count To Ten

Alex Diamond: Close Your Eyes And Count To Ten (2017)
Sculptural woodcut, Acrylic paint, 126 x 102 x 37 cm | check availability

This is very poetic piece. "Close Your Eyes And Count To Ten" may be seen as a modern totem pole ... This work is so rich with "content", you should explore it with time.

It is a large (126 x 102 x 37 cm) sculpture "hanging" on or "coming out of" the wall - see detail images below to understand a bit more of the depth itself and all the layers I built.

It was first shown at the exhibition "Weapons Of Mass Seduction 2", my duo show with Victor Castillo at heliumcowboy in Hamburg Nov-Dec 2017. I have posted the video from that exhibition below, it also includes some video footage of this artwork, which may helps to see a bit more of it.

I am insanely happy with how this one turned out, considering the complexity of the construction ... but yet again it is also a bit frustrating to only have images on the internet to show for it, because to fully experience my work one needs to see it in the original. Facebook or instagram etc. can't do it justice at all, so I hope there will be a chance again to show it soon somewhere in the offline world.


You can check the availability of my work on artsy.  

Finally A Cowboy

Finally A Cowboy, 2017. Sculptural woodcut, acrylic paint, 35 × 51 × 5 cm (13 4/5 × 20 1/10 × 2 in) | check for availability here (artsy.net)

This was actually the last piece I've finished for my exhibition "Weapons Of Mass Seduction 2", my show together with Victor Castillo at heliumcowboy Nov 11 – Dec 16 in Hamburg. 

"Finally A Cowboy" is a sculptural, painted woodcut that floats on the wall. It includes a bit of my biography ;) and seemed to be the perfect work to close* this eventful year in which I turned 50 and heliumcowboy 15 years old  and I had the privilege to share so many beautiful moments with so many wonderful people over the course of the past 12 months.

To early for an annual review, I stop myself here and hope we find an opportunity to chat personally about all this at some other time. If you are in Hamburg, this could happen at the exhibition, which is open until Dec 15, or at the Finissage we'll host on the 16th (more info / FB event).   

PS: If you are interested - you can check the availability of this work at the heliumcowboy artsy page.

PPS: this is the work I have been working on when the NDR was at my studio to film and interview me. Here's the vimeo-link to the feature if you haven't seen it yet.  

* note: well it ain't the last piece I made in 2017, but still ...


Video from the opening of the exhibition "Weapons Of Mass Seduction 2" by Philip Simon / Silberblick.co

This winter, from November 11 – December 15, my friend and fellow artist Victor Castillo and me embark once again on the journey of a joint exhibition. A cooperation we begun in 2014 with the first edition of "Weapons Of Mass Seduction" - we feel our work fits very well together, in it we tell stories of similar reference and we do have the same taste in art, movies and music, which mirrors a lot in our pop-oriented creations. A perfect match, despite the very different techniques we use.

We always wanted to do a sequel to this 2014 show, and finally we managed to find the time and the support for a second edition. While our concept is not exclusively tied to the heliumcowboy gallery in Hamburg, it was the most obvious to do it here again.  Which said - we are both open to show the third edition in a different city, country and gallery ...

Anyway. The Opening on Nov 11 was a blast! Here are a lot of gallery views from the exhibition. There will be a video and some images later from the opening, too. And all the exhibited artwork can be found on the gallery's artsy-page.  

Oh and here's a video from the opening back in 2014 ....

Video from the exhibition Victor Castillo & Alex Diamond WEAPONS OF MASS SEDUCTION September 13-27, 2014, in Hamburg presented by heliumcowboy gallery / Film by Kool Motion Pictures / Tobias Sundermann / Music: Walkin' by NITRO17 

(Too Much) Monkey Business

Alex Diamond: (Too Much) Monkey Business
Sculptural Woodcut (2017). Wood, acrylic paint, 40 x 30 x 14 cm.

This is probably one of my more self-explanatory works. So no words of wisdom from me this time. You‘ll figure it all out yourselves! 🙏 

One thing though: This work was created for the 25-year anniversary exhibition of the Galerie Wolfsen in Aalborg (Denmark), opening September 23. Kent Wolfsen and Rasmus Fischer picked me up for their fine gallery in January 2016, and I am super grateful for everything they did for me since. 

New work: Small woodcuts

Three small little works. Click image to visit my Artsy-overview of artworks. 

Three small little works. Click image to visit my Artsy-overview of artworks. 

Three inbetween-woodcuts I've made recently. You can find out more and check availability on my work overview on Artsy, here. There is only one left I believe.

In the press: DER HAMBURGER

The new issue of Der Hamburger is out at the newsstands now and features a very nice portrait of me, written by Jörg Fingerhut, with photos by Julia Schwendner (ThisIsJulia Photography). Besides of course many other great stories from and about the beautiful city of Hamburg.

The Bronco Buster revisited

Alex Diamond: The Bronco Buster Revisited (2017)
Wood, Acrylic paint, Resin, 48 x 48 x 65 cm 

The work "The Bronco Buster Revisited" quotes the most famous statue of the Old American West, the Bronco Buster by Frederic Remington, first cast in bronze in 1895 (one of the very first casts of many stands in the Oval Office, by the way). Of course I took my liberties with it. And placed it into a modern day environment instead of the plains of Kentucky. But despite the contemporary urban setting there is a lot of that Americana-feeling in this piece.

This work also took me to a new level of creating stage-like, sculptural woodcuts. Despite it being smaller sized in regards to the wall space (48 x 48 cm /  18.9 x 18.9 "), it comes 65 cm (25.6 ") out of the wall and can be viewed from all angles (front and sides), creating new perspectives when you move around. It is not a true three dimensional piece of course, I'd call it "fake 3-D", because it is completely made from the planks I usually use for my woodcuts and built a little bit like a wooden toy on a theatre stage.

Well, enough said. I hope these images do it justice, as usual it is rather difficult to show in photographs. Hope you can see it live at some point, it makes a lot more sense then. 

For availability of this piece you can contact the heliumcowboy gallery directly via sales@heliumcowboy.com or visit their artsy-page.

PS: This work was first shown at the exhibition COWBOYLAND celebrating 15 years of the heliumcowboy artspace that opened on in summer 2017 with a wonderful opening event (watch the video here). At this very unique show, 55 artists from around the world exhibited one work each at the gallery in Hamburg.