works on paper

Click image to download most current drawing overview. Status: 20.01.25


Drawings have always been a very relevant part of my work. Working on paper is important to me, not as sketches (my sketch work is mostly words), but as stand-alone pieces. In almost all cases, my drawings are sharing the paper with words, but never with much color.

I am constantly drawing since I can think, so here can only be a glimpse of it all, as I just started to collect the paperworks on this page in 2021. I’ll add what comes along, way below is also the complete overview of my project “The daily drawings of Alex Diamond” (2019) and even further down some very vintage stuff.

If you like any specific work that you like in the massive amount of images below, just drop me a mail, or download the PDF here.


The book I was talking about for so long is out now.

500 Drawings from 2021 – 2024 in one thick book. Plus some info, forewords by Yasha Young and Jonathan LeVine, and a Portrait also drawn with fountain pens.

39,90 € – available at the publisher GUDBERG NERGER here.

If you want the book with a dedication or signed - order it through my website and send me a note.

Installation view at “It’s all good.”, presented by heliumcowboy at Barlach Halle K in Hamburg, June 2022 (more info)


The four trees and the DENALI drawing are currently available in my shop.

Why I drew Mount DENALI, and why I am also not active on instagram is related. Read the full story here.

I am a terrible artist and a very bad person (December 2024)

I talked about this here and in my last newsletter: The sketchbook my son Melvin gave me for Christmas, a Museum-Gift-Shop-product of questionable quality with an insulting title by one of my favorite artists (David Shrigley, don’t worry I got the irony, love it), which I grabbed one Winter morning and ‚drew through‘ all 74 pages in just one day. So now - here’s the full book. Which I returned to Melvin in January 2025 on his birthday as a present back to him.


Since the beginning of 2o21 I am drawing a huge number of rough works, always on A4 paper, with fountain pens and permanent ink, alternating between the colors black and mountain blue. It’s what comes into my mind, little statements, both drawn and written. Words are important, and all these drawings reflect upon our society and the fucked up shit that we are confronted with. Well, not all are politically infused, some of them are very poetic and smooth as a 50-ies Miles Davis composition, but most are edgy and often uncomfortable like Mingus or Coleman. And if they go off-the-rails you might wanna listen to Mr. Bungle, Mike Patton, Tomahawk, the Melvins or most of the John Zorn work. In my opinion, a good drawing should always attempt to be like a great song.

I’ve shown some of these at the Paper Positions in Hamburg 2021, and round about 300 at “It’s all good.”, my Solo-exhibition in June 2022. Also there was a basement full with 100 drawings at “They all must be slaughtered” Dec 2023 - March 2024 and a fair representation at the ENTER ART FAIR in Copenhagen August 2024 with Galerie Bludin Berisha

The Montblanc STORY

A beautiful thing that happened in November 2022 was that I met Michael Vondrasek, a connaiseur of fountainpens and a collector of Montblanc’s, that he also repairs. Long story short (I’ll tell you when we meet in person, it truly is a great one!) - he provided me with some incedible tools that I am creating my drawings with since. So I added a new gallery below, with only the drawings that are made with Montblanc fountain pens. It really makes a difference, they are amazing to work with!

Sorting of these galleries below: newest drawings are always added to the end



2022 - The Montblanc Era



The Daily Drawings of Alex Diamond (2019)

A project to calm me down and to reset my hyper active days. Instead of meditating I stop everything I do, (literally) disconnect myself and get my mind free for a little bit of time (almost) every day by taking up pencil and paper for a short time. The result are these little drawings, all 19 x 18.5 cm in size.

In 2019, I created 100 of these small drawings. I published a booklet/catalogue, but that is sold out, as are There was a booklet / catalogue available, but that is sold out, as are the drawings. For available newer works on paper, please visit the online portfolio at

“Vintage” Drawings (2007-2018 unsorted & Incomplete)