
Good Job.

Dear friends,

I have some good news for you all today: "GOOD JOB," my new book, is coming out next week in a beautiful, fat publication, available for pre-order now and celebrated with a release party next Thursday (Nov 28, 7 PM) at my publisher’s, GUDBERG NERGER, in Hamburg.

Insane! 500 drawings that I created since 2021—the last one is from this summer. When a body of work of such volume comes in printed form, it is simply overwhelming for me as an artist. But I really cannot tell you more; it is impossible to judge from my point of view, and I have no sales pitch for you except:

This is a beautiful book of the highest quality, both in terms of print and layout. It is limited to 250 copies. It contains my heart and soul and my view of the world; it is sometimes romantic, funny, melancholic, political, harsh, soft-spoken, angry, or noisy. 500 drawings is a lot! The times in which these pages were created are tough. Some of it resonates in these drawings, and some will help you smile again. I would hope I could convince people who have wandered off into the far-right and populist abyss to change their fucked up minds, but I know that this is a task so huge I cannot ask of this book.

I can only recommend getting it online, or even better—come to the launch. We will install a lot of original drawings at the gallery of GUDBERG NERGER. I will, of course, be there to sign it, talk to you about it, and generally have a good time celebrating together. Just click the links here to get all the info:

Pre-order. (Yes I will sign those too if you want me to!)

Book release at GUDBERG NERGER
28th of November, 7–11 PM.

Kisses and hugs go out to Jan Müller-Wiefel at GUDBERG NERGER for a job well done producing it (and patience with me), to Yasha Young and Jonathan LeVine for their forewords in the book, to Geberit for the support, to the printers at AZ Druck, and to Kehrwieder for the beer on tap at the opening. More kisses and hugs will be handed out next Thursday.

New book - and new online shop

I just released a new book, and so it takes total sense that my new shop is online! If you are interested in my latest publications, please go shopping here!

Currently there are only three products: all my still available exhibition catalogues or books from my last three solo shows:


My new book is a documentation of my last solo exhibition „They all must be slaughtered“, which was my final show with heliumcobwoy that took place at TheMISSION in Hamburg (now MEGA contemporary).

Due to a sweet little error on the cover, every book comes individually embellished (signed) on the front (surprise!).

52 pages, 24 x 17 cm.

Limited to 150, signed and numbered.

12 € plus shipping

Let me know if you would like me to write a special dedication


Rare and limited Edition Book about “It’s all good.”, my largest solo exhibition to date, that took place at Barlach Halle K. in Hamburg, 2022.

Limited to 50 (!) copies, numbered and signed and with individually painted & hand printed cover by me (and Lucy!).

152 full color pages, 24 x 17 cm.

55 €


Catalogue released on the occasion of the triple-header-exhibition “in other words: <_blank>” at the heliumcowboy gallery, June – August 2021, featuring individual presentations of the work of Boris Hoppek, Jens Rausch and Alex Diamond.

“In other words: <_blank>” was the first exhibition by the gallery in Hamburg to open its doors to visitors in June 2021, following several lockdowns and three postponements. It was conceptualized the year before – already in the face of the difficult situation that has changed all of our lives and has also posed a major challenge to the creative industry.

Three cataloges were published, one for each artist, focusing on their part of this exhibition.

This is the catalogue about my contribution to the show, consisting of the special installation “F.T.S.” (Fuck this Shit).

60 pages, 23,5 x 18 cm

Photography: Julia Schwendner

Art Direction: Fabian Wolf

12 €

"It's all good." Special Edition Book Launch | October 28 at heliumcowboy

Please join me for the release of the book „It's all good.", documenting my largest exhibition to date in the Barlach Halle K in June 2022. For this event we’ll publish a very exclusive and strongly limited edition with individually painted covers by me.

The presentation is embedded in a small exhibition at the heliumcowboy gallery, showing selected work from the main show at Barlach Halle K. Have some drinks with me on the opening night on Friday, October 28, from 6 to 10 pm, or visit the exhibition the two weeks after.

Please note: This first batch of the book is limited to 50! It can be pre-ordered in our shop - please follow this link.

As a little preview, you can read the foreword of the book by Melvin as well see as the first 9 pages of the book over at heliumcowboy’s news page.

Click image to pre-order your copy.

Places I write ...


So yeah, there is a lot of writing these days. I really prefer to write up north in the old farm house in (what I call) #cowboyland, but I still spend a lot of my time in Hamburg and yes, it is pretty great here in my studio at heliumcowboy as well, so I try to get some pages done here too.

Chapter one to three are ready, I am pleased with the flow of things and couldn't be happier for being able to write down my story, well the story of Alex Diamond. The book will be a big and beautiful art book, of course, but it will also be an autobiography, which is a great honor to be able to write and the experience of going back so many years and remember all those moments and stories is just beautiful .

This will take a longer time, for sure. And the gallery will not be as busy as before, during this period at least. But I'll keep doing the podcast and my art and might also be working with a few artists so there will always be something to look at and / or talk about at heliumcowboy - you are of course welcome to check in.

We plan something for April 3, when there is the next "Rundgang" of the Galerien in der Neustadt . Also Melvin might be up to something, so stay tuned.

Thank you for supporting me and everything that heliumcowboy stands for!


PS: The book will be designed by Jan Müller-Wiefel and published by Gudberg Nerger Verlag. We are aiming for summer/fall 😉

PPS: This is not an advertisement 'cos I pay for my shit, but the shirt I am wearing is the 25 year anniversary shirt of the legendary RIDER’S ROOM in Hamburg (a colab with Pike Brothers Superior Garments ), so shoutout to Sven and Olli and the whole team for keeping it tight since 1995 ...

New Catalogue out now: Selected Works 2014-2015

Available at the heliumcowboy online-store: my new catalogue featuring work from 2014-2015. It is limited to 250 numbered copies, and I'll sign all online orders as well. Click the image to visit the shop.

Available at the heliumcowboy online-store: my new catalogue featuring work from 2014-2015. It is limited to 250 numbered copies, and I'll sign all online orders as well. Click the image to visit the shop.

My new catalogue/book is here, fresh from the printers, featuring my woodcuts and some rare drawings I created over the past 2 years, as well as some personal annotations to a couple of the artworks. This catalogue is 60 color pages strong (300g/m soft cover, 135g/m inside), 21 x 29 cm large, and will be published in a very limited edition only.

There are only 250 hand-numbered copies, and if you wish to secure your edition you can order now through the heliumcowboy online shop. Each copy is 12 € and I will sign all copies purchased online. Visit this link to order now

It has been a while since I last published a book (2011/2012), so it was about time you can get your hands on some printed paper from me. Here's a preview of what you'll get, I hope you like it.

This book is also available at the beautiful Gudberg-Nerger bookstore, at the exhibition "Don't Wake Daddy" at Feinkunst Krüger Gallery and of course at the heliumcowboy showroom.