
New book - and new online shop

I just released a new book, and so it takes total sense that my new shop is online! If you are interested in my latest publications, please go shopping here!

Currently there are only three products: all my still available exhibition catalogues or books from my last three solo shows:


My new book is a documentation of my last solo exhibition „They all must be slaughtered“, which was my final show with heliumcobwoy that took place at TheMISSION in Hamburg (now MEGA contemporary).

Due to a sweet little error on the cover, every book comes individually embellished (signed) on the front (surprise!).

52 pages, 24 x 17 cm.

Limited to 150, signed and numbered.

12 € plus shipping

Let me know if you would like me to write a special dedication


Rare and limited Edition Book about “It’s all good.”, my largest solo exhibition to date, that took place at Barlach Halle K. in Hamburg, 2022.

Limited to 50 (!) copies, numbered and signed and with individually painted & hand printed cover by me (and Lucy!).

152 full color pages, 24 x 17 cm.

55 €


Catalogue released on the occasion of the triple-header-exhibition “in other words: <_blank>” at the heliumcowboy gallery, June – August 2021, featuring individual presentations of the work of Boris Hoppek, Jens Rausch and Alex Diamond.

“In other words: <_blank>” was the first exhibition by the gallery in Hamburg to open its doors to visitors in June 2021, following several lockdowns and three postponements. It was conceptualized the year before – already in the face of the difficult situation that has changed all of our lives and has also posed a major challenge to the creative industry.

Three cataloges were published, one for each artist, focusing on their part of this exhibition.

This is the catalogue about my contribution to the show, consisting of the special installation “F.T.S.” (Fuck this Shit).

60 pages, 23,5 x 18 cm

Photography: Julia Schwendner

Art Direction: Fabian Wolf

12 €

Everything must end some day: Finissage February 29!

It has been a wonderful couple of weeks (months really ;)) since my latest exhibition ”They all must be slaughtered” was opened in December 2023. Now it all comes to an end:

Please celebrate with me the Finissage of this very special show

on Thursday, February 29, from 5 - 9 pm

at The MISSION by heliumcowboy
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 87, 20355 Hamburg.

Apart from this event, you can visit Wednesdays - Fridays 2 – 6 pm.

Below are some new images from the new works we released last week during the exhibition. And for all the imformation about the show - continue to read here!

All about: 'THEY ALL MUST BE SLAUGHTERED' Exhibition

Ok. Got four minutes and your speakers on? Above is a walkthrough of my new exhibition, including sound. You really should watch till the end (surprise awaits). This is how my new show „They all must be slaughtered“ is presented at The MISSION by heliumcowboy.

The song „They all must be slaughtered“ by the Melvins runs on constant repeat (from Vinyl), and together with the light setting it creates the unique, dark and apocalyptic athmosphere I wanted for this exhibition, which is more like a play on a stage than just a show of artworks.

Continue reading (and view more images from the exhibition and the opening)

Exhibition until March 2, 2024
Open wednesdays - fridays 14 – 18 h

Exhibition Location:
The MISSION by heliumcowboy
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 87, Hamburg