„The Alex Diamond Studio Experience“ is a new format of cozy events that I will host from time to time at my studio: The Ranch (the „old“ heliumcowboy and my Studio in Bäckerbreitergang 75 in Hamburg). The first of these events was held on February 28, 2025.
It‘s not a Vernissage, but a relaxed get-together in the evening, where I introduce my guests to brand new artwork and show a selection of pieces from recent times whilst sharing a few drinks and stories at the legendary bar.
This is also an opportunity to present brand new work, before it goes into exhibitions and / or collector‘s homes.
This first event also saw the unveiling of a brand new direction in my work: Art with the chainsaw!
A few weeks ago I started to saw my first sculptures out of pieces of the trunk of a massive birch we felled last year on our farm up north (we had to cut it down for security reasons). I must say, this work is insanely rewarding; chopping away on these trunks with the chainsaw is extremely satisfying and I am very happy with the results.
The exhibited artwork will be on display for a couple of weeks and you can get in touch for an appointment during this time.